Monday, September 28, 2009

We live not too far from Mt. Timpanogos and Mr. Live Well and our youngest decided to go with a group that were hiking the 19 miles round trip to get to the top. They left at 4:30 a.m. with lots of enthusiasm! However, they were so tired when they got home they could hardly wiggle. Our daughter has said she'll never do it again. But I'll wait a week to ask her after she's recovered.
It's so beautiful in the early morning and all the leaves are changing for the Fall. It's a stunning view. Maybe if I keep doing yoga and walking, I'll get strong enough to do it someday.
They were all smiles at the top!


  1. love your blog and I think TIMP is my mountain! Love love love that big maiden.

  2. Great picture of Brad and Carissa. All my kids have made that hike, and said the hardest part was slip slidding across the parts that still had snow.

  3. Wow. What a view! You have a lovely family.
